Mystery Monday

5 Flames

It’s Mystery Monday My Fellow Book Dragons. I hope your day was not too draining for the Gem this evening will require much from you. Look at it in the light. A deep purple and black, it’s glow is ominous, as though the light were coming from within, rather than from without. It draws your eye and you cannot look away, you feel as though you have seen it before and it even feels familiar. This is it’s deadliness. Like a cobra it has a hypnotic effect to those who stare too long and hold it too close. It’s Maker, Edwin Hill spared nothing in cutting this beauty to perfection.

Imagine you are wealthy, lonely, you are for all intents and purposes invisible but for the sake of publicity or money or both. People would not give you a second glance or certainly not a third and along comes a charming young man. He notices you, he makes you feel like the only person in the room. With him you are Someone Special. He gives you strength, courage, sex, love (after a sort), friendship, warmth, whatever your heart desires. And He gets his desires in return. His desires are of a baser sort. They mainly have to do with money, a bit of status, not much, not enough to warrant his face in the newspapers or on the telly. Just enough to make him feel special.

And then suddenly you or someone close to you realizes that He is taking you for more than just friendship or sex or warmth, that your money is dwindling, your business is disappearing in chunks or dribbles, but disappearing nonetheless. Then they do a very stupid thing..they try to MEDDLE. And he does as needs must and suddenly it’s all over and you are no more and he is on his way.

Hill’s heroine is a spunky, smart and determined woman name Hester Thursby. I love her name, her character and the fact that though she is diminutive in size she is gigantic in tenacity and courage. She is all the things I want in a heroine. And more. I like her and I was glad to see she isn’t around for just one tale.

I loved this book. Edwin Hill’s writing style is to be praised. His characters are very realistic, his situations ring true. If one has ever spent time around a Sociopath, there is no doubting his Villain was perfect and spot on. I also loved the fact that all was not black and white. One of the Villains is also a Victim. Enough about that, I do not do “spoilers” and I don’t plan to start now. If you have not read this book and I highly suggest that you do. Read it as much as possible undisturbed. And don’t start it late at night, because you won’t be able to put it down. Join me in a few weeks when I review another Edwin Hill book, the next in this series, The Missing Ones.

Please remember, visit my Facebook Page for my October Giveaway. There are 2 Winners this month and the Tales From The Book Dragon Official Reader’s Journal is still for sale on Amazon. There are 7 covers to choose from, though I do like the one with my portrait on it the best.

As always I remain, Drakon T. Longwitten, your humble Book Dragon

I received a copy of this book from the publisher for an honest review.

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