Saturday’s Child

Saturday Salutations My Serpentine Soul Mates. I hope you have begun to enjoy this lovely weather. Our Gems for October’s Nestlings will be a bit on the dark side. I hope you and your little ones enjoy them. This evening’s Gem is grey with white stripes, if you taste your fingers after touching, you will find them a bit salty. The Gem itself is slightly cracked and looks a bit rough, as though it’s been through a hard time recently. This Gem is Jory John’s “The Bad Seed”.

This is not the William March story of the OH SO BAD little girl, nooo, that would be far too scary for our Nestlings..this is the tale of a wayward Sunflower Seed, who finds himself at loose ends due to being separated from his family and thrown (or rather spat) out into the great big world alone. He awakens, frightened, at loose ends and so, to protect himself, becomes rather rude. He doesn’t say thank you, hold doors for people, is angry all the time and threatening.

I liked this little book. I liked it for several reason, the take on Mr. March’s book is what caught my eye. Pete Oswald’s illustrations are always a treat. But it was also the simplicity of the story. Very simply told for little ones, but funny too for older children and the adult who will have to read this every night for who knows how long (and it’s such a good book I know some child is going to ask for this book over and over, night after night). And best of all, no one has to tell the Bad Seed he isn’t very pleasant. He comes to realize it HIMSELF! and that is wonderful indeed. He doesn’t like himself anymore. He decides his own course of action.

This is a nice little book to initiate several discussions with your children or to just read and enjoy. I hope you get it and read it to your own Nestlings! It is currently free with Kindle Unlimited. Enjoy your weekend and remember, time spent reading to a Nestling is never time wasted.

Drakon T. Longwitten, Your humble Book Dragon

I downloaded and read this for myself on Kindle Unlimited.

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