Mystery Monday

5 Flames

Welcome back, My Fellow Book Dragons…thank you for being patient as I settle into my new digs. I have also had a new portrait painted and you will be seeing that soon as well. At the end of this evening’s Mystery Monday, I will be sharing details for my very first Giveaway!

Let us bring this Gem near the fire, that we may truly appreciate it’s many facets. Our Gem Maker this stormy Monday is none other than the famous Noir writer, Dashiell Hammett. The Gem is one of his most famous. I present to you – The Thin Man.

As we hold it up and let the flames catch the colors, we see Nick and Nora Charles. Though 14 years apart in age, never was a couple more suited for loving, living and fighting crime.

Nick is a dashing retired Private Detective, who loves his wife, a stiff drink and a life of leisure. His wife Nora, a beautiful heiress, who is crazy about her husband and wants to see him solve a case. This is a husband and wife teamlike you’ve never seen before.

She talks him into taking the case of a absent missing absent minded professor with a crazy ex-wife, a nice daughter and a henpecked son. He finally agrees when he becomes swept into the case due to working for the professor on a blackmail case years before.

Add in Nick and Nora’s smart as whip dog Asta and you’ve got the perfect set up when the professor’s secretary comes up murdered.

Romance, riches, intelligence and class…all wrapped up in the best Noir of all time. Grab a pot of tea or perhaps a bottle of bubbly to keep in the spirit and have a ball making your way through this one.

Giveaway August 31st, 2019 Midnight EST

Now for the giveaway! On August 31st at Midnight, I’ll be drawing for an Advanced Reader Copy of New York Times Best Selling Author Wilbur Smith’s Ghost Fire. Set in Colonial India and ending in Colonial America, it’s truly a romantic adventure. Men and women alike will love this book that is spot on in every detail from courtship to cannon fire. I am also including a bit of swag..bookmarks and few other things.

Enter by following me here and on my Tales From The Book Dragon Facebook page. Get extra entries for tagging up to 10 friends on Facebook who then follow me here! Good Luck!

Until tomorrow, I remain, your humble Book Dragon

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