Mystery Monday

Do not start reading this book before bedtime, especially if you have to get up early or can’t call in sick to the slog pits because you won’t be able to put it down! Put your phone to sleep, make yourself comfortable, throw a cushion in the corner, roast a knight, make a pot of tea or coffee and go!
A refreshing style awaits from the first page. Written in a three part, first person narrative from three different viewpoints there is never a dull moment in suspense. This thriller delivers by starting at a slow pace and building, like a snowball rolling downhill.
Edvardsson’s characters take us on a suspenseful journey with a twist around every corner. I could not put this down and read it in less than three days. I didn’t know there were writers like this left in the literary world.
Reminiscent of Dumaurier and Christie, Edvardsson quickly draws us in, making us care for these characters. He gives us time to get to know them. I could feel myself standing on that cold, playground, staring at, well, that would be telling…
Fellow Dragons we are known to be a loyal lot, protecting our own young so, before you start reading, ask yourself a question. How far would you go to protect your family?

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