Happy Independence Day!

I know it’s July 3rd,but I was too excited about this book to wait! And this being Independence Week, I’ve decided to show off a star spangled gem I found not long ago.

Star Spangled Scandal by Chris DeRose, best selling author, Washington,D.C. insider.

Chris DeRose’s Star Spangled Scandal! A Senator madly in love with this wife. His wife’s lover, Barton Key – yes, Key of the Star Spangled Banner Keys. Murder. If it’s the only Historical True Crime you read this year, do so and I mean it. It’s set two years before the Civil War and it’s a true story of sex, murder, and politics…but could easily have been a headline in today’s news.
DeRose’s style made me feel like a fly on the wall of the most stately places, among the most popular, famous and infamous of D.C. of the pre-Civil War era. Witness the development of their party the Democrats during these tumultuous times.
See where the Republican party got it’s start and why.
This is one of the top ten most riveting Historical Crime novels I have ever read.  Grab this gem for yourself and don’t get too near the fireworks, my Book Dragons. Until tomorrow. …

I received nothing of value in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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